Why cloud computing?
Cloud Computing Technology Could Find Wi-Fi Password: Computer security researchers from Germany, Thomas Roth found ways to take advantage of cloud computing technology, breaking the password on the wireless Internet network.He says that the software run using Amazon’s ElasticCloud Computing Service (EC2) and can solve millions of possible passwords in several seconds.
Future Game Console Based On Cloud Computing:Console games in the future will rely on cloud computing technology rather than the hard drive as storage media.Latest technology of sony cloud computing is the presence of Sony Playstation Network (PSN) which is connected directly to the Internet network. With Sony PSN gamers can easily connect to a network that allows them to play together at the same time and same game of course. PSN has a very sophisticated technology. By adopting cloud computing technology, gamers can play wherever, whenever and however they want. As long as they have a PS3 console, gamers can easily be connected back to the game we will play in seconds. However, PSN is not without weaknesses. Game technology-based cloud computing a few months ago was attacked by hackers with alias “anonymous”. User data that in the cloud computing server was lost and can endanger gamers.
Cloud Computing Proven Saving Energy: A new report has been presented about the debate over whether cloud computing is a technology solution to run a green data center. A cloud computing survey conducted by Pike Research has shown that cloud computing saving energy is “substantial. ” In the report entitled Cloud Computing Energy Efficiency, market survey company is stating that the adoption of cloud computing will lead to a decrease of 38 percent in data centers around the world, which will create energy saving in 2020.
As part of the adopted cloud computing scenarios, Pike Research estimates that data centers will consume as much electricity 139.8 terawatt / hours (TWh) in 2020, and will be a reduction of 31 percent from 201.8 TWh in 2010. So that was reported by PC World. This cloud computing energy saving would push total spending on data center energy down from USD23.3 billion in 2010 to USD16.0 billion in 2020, and caused a decrease of 28 percent of greenhouse gas emissions during 2010. According to Pike Research about cloud computing energy saving, the report shows cloud computing are able to achieve industry-leading levels of efficiency. The report highlights the fact that big companies will have the financial resources to offer the same level of efficiency in their own data centers. Pike estimated that many of the processes being handled by the datacenter today will be transferred to the cloud in 2020. “The growth of cloud computing will have a significant positive effect on energy consumption of data centers,” said senior analyst at Pike, Eric Woods. Cloud computing will be saving energy in the world.
Source: http://cloudingworld.com
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