Friday, June 3, 2011

Viral Video Face-Off: Windows 8 vs. Google Chrome

Viral Video Face-Off: Windows 8 vs. Google Chrome

The demo, on a Windows touchscreen PC, shows off some incredible new aspects of the new operating system.

A Windows 8 PC can scale from a touch-only small screen to large screens, with or without a keyboard or mouse. Instead of app icons, new app "tiles" will be used, allowing more space per app, which allows the app to reveal more information.

The weather app, for example, won't just be a picture of a cloud and say "weather," but a new weather tile will show the weather, the temperature, and for which location, and other relevant info. Windows 8 uses HTML 5 and Javascript, so it will be just as powerful as its predecessor. Stay tuned and visit Microsoft's YouTube channel for more new videos for the upcoming software.

So how will Windows 8 compare with Google's recently announced Chromebook? Also trending on YouTube today is the following commercial for the new Chromebook.
The Chromebook purely uses the web to do everything. There are no programs. It only takes seconds to start up. There is no desktop. All photos, email messages, and documents can be saved straight to the web (cloud), which has more space than any computer.
windows8 microsft first video google chromebook cloud computing 

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