Google's Chromebook set to transform our attitude about computers

On 15 June, Google will officially take the next step on its road to global domination. From that day onwards, online shoppers will be able to buy the Google Chromebook, a device that the search giant hopes will change the way we think about computers – and in the process rain on the parades of Apple and Microsoft.
The surprises start when you hit the on button. Whoosh! It boots in eight seconds from cold (and wakes in less than a second from sleep mode). And it brings up a web browser (Google's own Chrome browser, naturally) straight away
Coincidentally, tomorrow sees Apple's first big move into the cloud. At the annual Apple Developers' conference in San Francisco Steve Jobs will launch the company's iCloud service which will enable subscribers to upload their iTunes libraries and stream tracks over the net to wherever they happen to be. In theory this is similar to the "digital locker" services offered by both Amazon and Google, but in practice it has one major advantage: Amazon and Google have struggled – and largely failed – to persuade the record labels to license streaming whereas Apple, the dominant player in legal downloads, seems to have obtained the labels' agreement.
But streaming music from the cloud is relatively small beer compared with what Google has in mind for the Chromebook.Its launch signals the company's belief that the conditions necessary to put the browser at the centre of our computing universe have now been met.
You can buy a Chromebook for about £350. But the more intriguing option is that of regarding it more like a mobile phone – ie, getting one on a monthly contract. In what is clearly an attack on Microsoft's home turf, Google is offering companies a deal: for $28 per user per month, they get free Chromebooks, technical support, replacement under warranty and regular hardware updates. A monthly deal is being offered to schools and universities for $20 per student.
chromebook apple chrome google microsoft amazon
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