Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Patent Management Firm Sues Google Over 'Chromebox' And 'Chromebook'

Patent Management Firm Sues Google Over 'Chromebox' And 'Chromebook'

Patent management company Isys Technologies has sued Google and its partners for infringing on one of their copyrights.

The company claims that the terms ‘Chromebook’ and ‘Chromebox’ being used to market the devices running on Google’s Chrome OS are infringing on its copyrighted ‘ChromiumPC’ brand.

The lawsuit, which was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Utah in Salt Lake City, seeks a temporary restraining order that prevents Google from marketing devices based on Chrome OS as ‘Chromebook’ and ‘Chrombox’ and from launching them on June 15.

Google partners Amazon, Acer, Samsung and BestBuy have also been named in the lawsuit. Isys says that Xi3 has developed the Xi3 computer architecture that is used to create the Xi3 Modular Computer which are being sold as the ChromiumPC.

The company claims that it has tried to reason with Google over the copyright but Google has chosen to dispute the copyright, prompting Isys to file a lawsuit.

“We do not begrudge anyone the ability to create new products and take them to market, unless they infringe on our intellectual property. For more than 18 months, we’ve been using, marketing, promoting and selling ChromiumPC Modular Computers,” Jason A. Sullivan, president and CEO of ISYS Technologies, said in a statement on BusinessWire.
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